Scottsdale Conference Registration

2019 IAM Fall Conference
November 7-9, 2019 • Scottsdale, Arizona

Deconstructing the Mediation Process: 

Learning from the Best Mediators Around The World

Welcome to the 2019 IAM Spring Conference Registration Page.

The IAM will be breaking new ground at our Scottsdale conference as we focus on the very practical … and you are going to want to see it firsthand.  There will be no cameras to capture this live event; to see it, you will need to be there in person. Regardless of how long we have been in the game, how can we learn something new that we can apply instantly to our own practices?  How can we bring home new techniques, new ideas, new thoughts, new approaches that will make us instantly stronger and more successful mediators? What are our members doing in England, for example, that could help you in California?  What are the best mediators in France doing that could provide folks in Florida with some game-changing strategies? We will find out in Scottsdale, Arizona, in a very unique way, and you will take home new ideas to refresh your own practice … guaranteed.  But you must be there to experience it.

Hotel Reservations:  November 7-9, 2019

IMPORTANT Hotel Information: IAM members can book your hotel room by calling 888-627-3010 or online by clicking here.

Plan to arrive on Wednesday, November 6th. The deadline for making your reservations at the hotel rate of $299 is 5 PM Pacific Standard Time: October 15, 2019.

Program: To learn more about the program sessions, click here.

Download a copy of the final Program click here.

Speakers: To read about our speakers, click here.

Spouse/Guest Activities: Scheduled activities for guests/spouses/family include an architectural tour, golf and more. To learn about the tours, click here (deadline for signup is Oct 15, 2019).

Brochure: Click here to download a pdf: 2019 IAM Fall Brochure.

General Hotel Information: Download a General information Packet, which includes restaurant, hiking, medical and emergency response information.

Sponsors: Click here to see our 2019 Fall Conference Sponsors.

Register below

Non-Member registrations, please contact Richard Rejino, IAM Executive Director at 972-233-9107 ext 211 or email: