James Mangerere Photo

James Mang’erere

Board Member
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Professional Coordinance

Agip House, 4th Floor, Suite 417 Haile Sellassie avenue
Nairobi Nairobi County 00100, KE

Areas of Practice

Labour law, family and divorce mediation, commercial disputes


James is a senior advocate of the high court of Kenya, as well as Commissioner of Oaths and a notary public. He is an experienced professional mediator, trainer, and arbitrator, and a certified Public Secretary with more than 15 years experience. James is an IAM distinguished fellow and President of the Mediation Training Institute International of  East Africa. 


Bachelor of Commerce , Bachelor of Laws ( special), Diploma in law, Diploma in Material Management , Diploma in Computer Science, Certification in Professional mediation (MTI) ,Certificate of Membership Chartered institute of Arbitrators (UK) Master trainer in mediation.