IAM Membership
Welcome to IAM’s Member Update page!
Have you wondered what your colleagues have been up to over the past year both professionally and personally? IAM’s Communications & Outreach Committee has gathered information to help us learn more about each other and grow more meaningful collegial relationships.
Special thanks to Lynne Bassis and Christine Masters for compiling this information.
We’d love you hear what’s going on with you so please respond to Lynne (Lbassis@adrservices.org) and Christine (christine@masters-ribakoff.com)to their requests for updates.
We hope that you enjoy!
Chuck Doran
Chair, IAM’s Communications & Outreach Committee
IAM Vice President

IAM Distinguished Fellow
Toronto, ON
Vance Cooper
Things have been hectic in the Cooper household. Susan and I celebrated our 35th anniversary. Our eldest, Harrison, is engaged. Jonathan and Logan are working with me as mediators – Jon is fully launched, very busy and well regarded and Logan is to be launched soon.
We just completed our seventh Vancestock, a night of music and a charity fundraiser in support of Trails Youth Initiatives – a small charity which challenges and equips vulnerable youth from at risk areas of Toronto to become contributing members of the community. We raised almost $36,000 this year and some $230,000 in seven years. For those inclined to make a donation, the website is still open -https://trails.akaraisin.com/Common/Event/Home.aspx?seid=17374&mid=8. For those inclined to take in some of the music, the opening act was Sisters & Brothers (Logan, Jon on drums and Harrison on bass with Jess and Jacob Charendoff).

IAM Distinguished Fellow
London, England
Bill Marsh
I continue to regard mediating as a privilege which happens to pay well, rather than the other way around. My practice is mostly mainstream commercial disputes, with a significant non-UK element, including recent mediations in Moscow and Kiev. I have also been working extensively on religious conflicts, including violent religious extremism and whether women could become bishops in the Church of England (which they now can, following mediation!). My lovely Australian wife Belinda remains seriously ill and mostly wheelchair bound (it’s a long story) and is a daily example to me of courage and grace. Our three sons in their twenties are coming to the end of university study and embarking on careers, and to the best of my knowledge I have no grandchildren.