Claude Amar
IAM Vice President
Preferred Phone:
+33 (0) 1 4434 0888
Preferred Email:
Preferred Web Address:
Professional Coordinance
Mediation & Resolution
9 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin
75116 Paris, France
Areas of Practice:
Accident/Personal Injury, Civil, Commercial, Construction, Environmental Public Policy, Financial Services, Franchising, Intellectual Property Rights, International, Landlord/Tenant, Patents, Professional Malpractice, Real Estate, Shareholder Disputes, Technology.
Claude is an IMI and SIMI certified mediator and has been accredited by several international mediation centers, including ICC France and IEAM in Paris, SIMC in Singapore, and ICM in Santa Monica. Moreover, Claude is the President for the Academy of Mediation (France), and IMI (International Mediation Institute) Standards Commission member, and the President of IFCM (Institut Francais de Certification des Mediateurs). Claude is also a mediator with “Espace d’Acces a la Mediation”, a pro bono organization dedicated to providing mediation services to people with limited means.
Professional Information
Practice Description:
Claude Amar is a hotel developer. He was trained as an architect (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris) and has studied Finance at INSEAD and Negotiation at Harvard (with Robert Mnookin’s team).He was trained as a mediator by Gary Friedman, at the Centre for Mediation in Law in San Francisco.Claude is the President of the Académie de la Médiation and of the IFCM (French Institute for Mediators Certification), the IMI’s French QAP.Claude is the founder and President of the Eyetech Foundation, an NGO dedicated to cataract blindness treatment.
Education Training:
Claude was trained as a mediator by Gary Friedman at the Centre for Mediation in Law in San Francisco and has studied Negotiation at Harvard with Robert Mnookin’s team.Claude has more than fifteen years of experience as a mediator and mediated several complex cases including multi-party mediation with more than eighty parties involved in never-ending conflicts, in French and International settings.